Streaming vs Cable TV: Which is Better?


Streaming may seem like it is taking over at the moment as Netflix reaches the peak of its popularity, and a number of other streaming platforms are coming into the limelight. You may be deciding whether it’s worth getting a TV licence or installing a TV aerial, so I’ll help by sharing a few pros and cons of both cable and streaming. If by the end of reading this you decide you want TV aerial installation Swansea, I highly recommend One Vision Ltd.

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Firstly, the cost is important to look at. Not long ago, everyone would have said that streaming is the cheapest but now companies like YouTube are rapidly increasing their prices, which makes cable and streaming a lot closer in price now.

Next, the number of channels to watch is probably something you’d like to compare. Surprisingly, only a few live streaming services have more than 100 channels, whereas some cable and satellite TV providers offer over 200 or 300 channels. This clearly makes cable the winner but streaming still offers quite a lot of variety and choice.

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Another important point to look at is the quality of the video. As you can probably guess, streaming, although improving, offers lower definition and quality. Live TV cable and satellite can offer 4k picture definition and consistently good quality.

I hope these comparisons have helped you become a little clearer whether cable or streaming is better for you. There are definitely pros and cons to both. Cable TV is better at offering consistent high definition TV whereas streaming can offer a lot of choice as well.

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