What children learn on the playground


Think playing is just a way to waste time? Well, think again. Children learn a huge amount through play. So much, in fact, that it will likely amaze you! Here are just some of those skills that kids learn through play:

How to deal with diversity – Great life lessons can be learned in the playground. Children are often exposed to a more diverse environment than they are in class, where they might be separated by age or ability, for example. Children will learn about differences and meet others from different communities.

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Dealing with confrontation – On the playground, children will encounter confrontation, something which is normally dealt with by teachers and parents or avoided at all. They will learn about concepts of fairness and rules, taking turns and sharing equipment.

Organising into groups – This is an activity that is usually done ‘for’ children but during unstructured play, children need to explore this concept for themselves. Whether it is to access equipment or activities, the ability to organise will benefit them in later life. When you need new equipment for Playgrounds Gloucester, visit Greenfields who supply Playgrounds Gloucester.

Cooperate and work together – Essential life skills like cooperation and group working are also learned on the playground and during unstructured playtime. Being kind to others, collaboration and working as a team are taught and encouraged and playtime is the ideal environment to practise these skills.

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Social skills –  As kids meet and make friends, they learn invaluable social skills that will stay with them throughout their lives. The ability to get along with others is a skill they will need throughout their school and adult life.

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