Top ways to use your spare time productively


When you have lots to do but only small gaps in your schedule, you need a way to make the most of those small moments. Maybe you will catch up on phone calls or emails, do some exercise, or practise a hobby. There are lots of options, but you have to be efficient about it.
Catching up

Maybe there is a phone call to make. Maybe the number of unread emails in your inbox is climbing, or older ones that still need a reply. Every time you have a spare five minutes, you can check off a few more.

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Some people enjoy filing, but they are probably not the majority. The usual recommendation is to pack up everything straight away, but if you cannot, then short bursts of organisation are more manageable than trying to do it all at once.


Exercise is one of the most important things we can do for a healthy life, but it can feel like a big commitment. Why not find some less time-consuming exercises that you can squeeze into your breaks? You could try light stretching, lifting smaller weights, a brisk walk or even a few press-ups.


An increasing amount of research suggests that people who meditate regularly, even for short lengths of time, tend to be healthier and happier. No need for fancy equipment, just take a comfortable seat, close your eyes and focus on your breath, releasing any stressful thoughts.

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Brainstorming and planning

One of the worst things is when you eventually sit down to work and your mind is blank. You might not have time to finish your project, but you can plan. Sketch a draft, order a knitting kit like those carried by specialists such as, or bounce ideas off someone else.

How you use your time is going to be dependent on your own priorities and needs. But it is clear that even a few spare minutes can be useful for a range of tasks, which will make your longer breaks more enjoyable, without the stress of a lengthy to-do list.

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