Biggest Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Home


It’s a big decision to put your home on the market with Estate Agents Cheltenham, so you will want to ensure that the process is straightforward. It isn’t always easy, though. Paperwork can get delayed, deals may fall through and inspections might uncover something that needs to be fixed before the house is sold. So, what are some of the mistakes that sellers can make?

Not hiring an estate agent

A common issue when selling a home is not working with an estate agent. A professional who knows the ins and outs of the property market can help you sell your home quickly, get the best offers and reduce the stress of the process. To contact Estate Agents Cheltenham, visit a site like Me & You Estate Agents.

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Not keeping your home clean and neat

A dirty, cluttered and unkempt house is a major turnoff for buyers. It is also a waste of money. By taking the time to deep clean and declutter, you can make your home look better in photos and for when buyers tour the property in person.

Not doing repairs and maintenance

It’s not uncommon for people to overlook the importance of making minor repairs and maintenance before selling their home. But these simple tasks can have a huge impact on how fast a home sells, what price it will fetch and whether or not buyers will submit offers.


Many sellers overprice their homes due to the emotional connection they have with it, but this can cost in the long run as it may not sell at all.

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Not being honest with potential buyers

It is important to be completely honest with buyers when they are touring your home. This is especially true if you are asking them to pay above market value for the property. Being dishonest with buyers will come back to haunt you later on when they get a home inspection and discover things that were previously unknown to you.

Not being prepared for the process

It is important to be ready for a lengthy home selling process. It can be an emotional and stressful time. Knowing what to expect and being realistic will help to keep your sanity during the process. This includes being aware of any unforeseen costs that may come up. Deals falling through, inspection issues, unexpected expenses and delays in the paperwork can all be costly if you are not prepared for them.

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