How climate change will affect you


If the work of countless scientific experts and statistical data is to be believed the world is getting hotter.  What this means here in the UK is that we should see a radical change in our environment so that the longer colder Winters that we have experienced in the past will become a thing of memory.  Instead it would seem that our climate will move towards a Mediterranean feel.  This means that we will have considerably longer hotter Summers and shorter milder wetter, gloomier Winters.  Whilst the prospect of no snow ever again may seem attractive to  some it does have rather wider complications.

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The main change that we are going to see is longer hot Summers.  The intensity of this heat is going to be truly felt within the home.  To combat this there are several things that you can do. First of all,the purchasing of an air conditioning unit from Air con Gloucester based business ACCEC should be on the list.  This makes perfect sense as you’ll be able to regulate the temperature in your home a lot easier with an air conditioning system.

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To be able to combat the effects of global warming this seems to be that the only thing you can do at a local level should the usual standard green Living practices not work.  However this is an immediate solution to a problem that is going to occur again and again.  There’ll be some advantages to the country becoming more on a Mediterranean footing but the long-term effects do have some worrying conclusions to them.  At least using an air conditioning system may mitigate some of it

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