Turkey is a great place to visit


One of the most premium places that you can visit on the Mediterran is that of Turkey. It has everything that you could ever want to have in a country. It certainly caters for everyone within its borders. Unlike other Mediterran countries it has an interesting mix of both East and West cultures as it forms a border with the Near and Middle East. It is the home of the Sejurk Turks but prior to that it has been owned and controlled by various countries and civilisations. The foremost of this was the Byzantium Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire as it was also known. This carried on long after the collapse of Rome itself. The architecture can still be seen in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul and various examples of well preserved villas.

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However,if all that history is not for you then the coastline has some spectacular beaches on which to relax and sun yourself. The Kas region is renowned for its unspoilt beauty and slow pace of life. You can get some decent Villas in Kas by clicking the link. A week is not long enough in this beautiful country to explore it properly.

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In the interior of Turkey there is the remarkable Cappadocia region. This has some of the most unusually geological rock formations that the world has to offer. It is a sun kissed part of the world with some of the most stunning sunsets that play across the weird and wonderful landscape. Visit it at the same time as the world famous balloon festival.

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