Where to place your HTML banner ads


When you’re working with HTML banner ads, it’s vital to place them correctly for maximum impact. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

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The importance of the right placement

When you’re creating HTML5 banners, you need to know that you can place them on the right online pages for maximum brand exposure, engagement and conversions. It’s important to consider factors such as the size and format of your HTML5 banners, the design, webpage placement, target audience demographic and overall performance.

Where to place HTML5 banners

Marketers will use different strategies to help them decide where to place their HTML5 banners. Here are some high-traffic placement options:

Above the Fold

This means that the HTML5 banners are placed in the section of the web page that the user can see without scrolling. In the days of print, this would refer to the top section of the paper, literally above the fold.

Banner ads placed in this area are usually highly visible and will be more commonly clicked than ads placed below it. This is a powerful way to boost engagement and visibility. But bear in mind that you will typically pay more to the advertising platform to place your HTML5 banners in this prime spot.

Alongside Content

Another great spot is to place HTML5 banners alongside the main content of the site itself. Pop the banner next to a blog post and article, and again, you should see good results for your engagement and conversions.

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Centre of the Page

HTML5 banners placed in the middle of a web page will usually get more traffic than those located elsewhere. A good spot is above the main content. Another great spot is by the page’s call to action, to boost engagement and recognition.

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