What happens during a Bar Mitzvah


A Bar Mitzvah is a religious celebration that takes place when a Jewish boy reaches the age of 13. The ceremony will be conducted by a Rabbi and is a symbol of the boy’s journey into adulthood in the eyes of the Jewish religion. The celebration will take place in a Synagogue and will often take place during the Shabbat morning services.

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As a part of the service, there will be a reading of the Torah, and the young boy may chant some of the passages. Following the main service, there may be a celebration. In some cases, this will take place straight after the service and in other cases, it may take place at a separate time. During this celebration, lots of food will be shared. Bar Mitzvah Cards like the ones from https://cazenovejudaica.com/uk will be given out with some other gifts.

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Whilst no formal service is undertaken at the celebration, the Rabbi and family members may share some speeches on the significance of the moment for the young person’s religious life. The dress wear for a Bar Mitzvah will be formal, and it is important that all religious dress is worn. For men, this will include the kippah. For married people, the tallit will also be worn. If the service takes place on any day other than the Shabbat, the tefillin will also be worn.

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