Four ways to disguise ugly pipes

Home Improvement

Pipes are an essential feature of any home as they play an important role in plumbing, heating and, potentially, gas distribution. However, they rarely look attractive and can compromise the look of a room or an exterior space. If you have some ugly pipes that are attracting way too much negative attention, then it may be time to look at ways of disguising them.

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Simple but effective

If you want to tackle those pipes yourself but your DIY skills are fairly basic, then the easiest way to disguise the pipes may be to paint them. You could choose a shade that matches the walls, or a contrasting shade that highlights the pipes and makes them a feature of the décor. You could even paint them with gold, silver or black paint to make an impact. Select a finish that makes you feel good about your space, and for more tips on making that happen, see this piece in The Guardian .

Camouflage is another way to deflect attention from ugly pipes. Put some leafy pot plants in front of them. Perhaps you could even use the pipes – depending on the type – to mount some lightweight hanging baskets using hooks and chains.

Clearly, you should NEVER drill or screw into pipework!

Inventive coverings

Wrapping ugly pipes in decorative coverings is another innovative solution. Coverings for pipes are available in a range of materials, including wood and plastic. If you’re interested in pipe protectors then it might be worth looking at a specialist site such as to get information about the range of pipe protectors available.

Hiding the pipes behind furniture is another option, either indoors or outdoors. Inside the home, you could place a shelving unit or a bureau to solve the issue. Don’t let the furniture touch the pipes, however, to avoid heat damage. Outdoors, you could place outdoor furniture in front of the pipes, or perhaps erect a trellis and again disguise the pipes with climbing plants, windchimes or other items.

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When it comes to disguising pipes, there are many options and most of them are within reach of the average DIY-er. You’ll need to assess the area and determine what kind of pipes need to be hidden to identify the most effective solution. But when you no longer notice those pesky pipes, you’ll know the effort was worth it!

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