How do flu viruses spread


Over the last two years, we have become more and more conscious of the germs that are around us. Both in our homes and our office spaces, we are cleaning surfaces to help prevent the spread of covid. Many workplaces are using the services of Office Cleaning Tewkesbury companies like to keep their working environments clean and hygienic. As well as covid the influenza virus can spread through close contact with those who are sick and also through unhygienic surfaces.

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For some people, the flu is nothing more than a mild illness. The flu can be a very serious and even life-threatening disease for some people, including older adults and those with chronic health conditions.

In most cases, when someone gets the flu, they feel better within a few days or up to two weeks. Flu can also result in complications, which are other health issues that occur as a result of the virus. A sinus infection or ear infection can be a mild complication, while pneumonia can be a more serious one.

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It is important to note that influenza is contagious, which means that it is spread from person to person. In most cases, the flu is spread by droplets in the air produced by people who are coughing, sneezing, or talking while they are sick. There is a possibility of it spreading from a distance of up to six feet. There is also the possibility of spreading the flu from surfaces; for example, if you touch something that has the flu virus on it, then you touch your nose, mouth, or eyes.

There is a possibility that you can spread influenza, even before you have any symptoms and before you feel ill. As a general rule, people with the flu are able to spread it a day before and a week after experiencing symptoms of the illness.

You are at risk of contracting the flu when you touch contaminated surfaces because the flu virus can survive outside of the body for up to 24 hours. Surfaces such as door handles, telephones, keyboards, and remote controls are all examples of surfaces that can be easily contaminated with the flu virus. As a result of touching a surface that is contaminated and touching your nose or mouth afterwards, you can become infected with the infection.

This is why it is important to regularly clean surfaces, especially those that are touched by multiple people throughout the day.

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