What Should a School Prospectus Include?


Many schools now choose to share their prospectus on their website for eco and practical reasons but for many a beautifully designed school brochure is still a key marketing tool. A great school prospectus is something that parents and students will look at several times, often sharing it with family members or friends. It is also a physical document that will stay on tables and worktops for weeks at a time so it needs to be both visually striking and very well written.

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It is worth deciding early on what your prospectus will include and how it will be structured. You should consider what sort of impression you want to create – do you want to be seen as formal and traditional or innovative and creative? This will impact the content and style you use throughout. For help creating a School Prospectus Design, go to fsedesign.co.uk/school-prospectus-design/

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The prospectus should start with an introduction from the headteacher – this will add a personal touch and really set the tone. If your school is famous for its sporting achievements then make sure you have lots of imagery of pupils playing sports in your grounds and if you have state of the art science facilities get some photos of pupils using them.

Make sure you cover the core information about the school – including contact details, opening hours, address/map and what the admissions process is like. Include the school’s mission statement – this will speak to your values and tell people who you intend to serve.

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