Quirky Money Saving Quotes and Sayings


“Do not Save what is left after Spending, Spend what is left after Saving”!  Just one of hundreds of inspirational quotes and sayings that thousands of ordinary people live their lives by when it comes to financial advice.  Instead of sensibly investing in Financial advisor software and researching professional companies such as https://www.intelliflo.com/financial-adviser-software they follow the somewhat conflicting advice written in these wacky sayings.  Do you have an elderly relative that insists on quoting you things like “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “A penny saved is a penny earned”?  The complete opposite advice to that is something my Father-in-law always used to say when chatting to me about money, “You can’t take it with you”!  Meaning you might as well spend any money you have, as you can’t take it with you when you die!

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When purchasing a second-hand car or motorbike etc, think about the saying, “You get what you pay for”! Inferring that if you don’t spend much money on something as important as a new vehicle then it will probably be rubbish!  “A Fool and his money are soon parted” another unusual saying, warning about not being clever and careful with your money.

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What about, “He who pays the Piper, calls the Tune” another weird yet strangely accurate quotation meaning the person who pays for a specific service can dictate when and how he wants that service to be delivered. Some of these sayings offer good advice and great logic but some are just foolhardy.

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