Did you know these facts about fire?


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Fire is something that most of us use in our lives probably without even thinking about it too much. Whether this is cooking your food, or lighting the candles on a birthday cake or perhaps sitting out in the garden enjoying the warm glow of a fire pit, you probably use it more than you think. Although it creates heat for us to warm our food and ourselves with and is beautiful to watch, it can also be deadly. It is for this reason that it is important that businesses use a Fire Risk Assessment Gloucester company to ensure that all elements of their fire risk procedures are covered and necessary measures have been put into place.

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Here are some facts about fire that you might not have been aware of.

  • If house fires have a stable heat, fuel and oxygen source they can double in size every minute. This is how fires can get out of control very quickly.
  • Earth is the only planet that we know of that has the right atmospheric conditions and oxygen levels for fire to be able to exist.
  • Flames colours change depending on the oxygen levels. High oxygen levels produce the blue colour that you often see at the base of a flame and lower oxygen levels produce the orange colour that we have come to associate with fire.
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