Puppy Proofing your Home


When you are waiting for your new puppy to come home it is a really exciting time for the whole family. You have researched your favourite breeds found a breeder and are now waiting for a pup from them. You have probably looked into training classes, researched the best food and bough t an array of designer dog collars from I Woof.


But before you get your puppy home, there is something else that you must do and that is make your home puppy proof! In the same way that you would with a toddler, you need to make sure that your home is safe for a puppy, so here are some of the things that you will need to think about…

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Hazardous Substances – Things that may seem normal and every day to us are exciting and new to an inquisitive puppy. Things like home cleaning products are highly toxic to dogs so it is important that you make sure that you have none that are lying around for your pup to get into. If you store them in a cupboard at ground level, make sure you put a lock on the door!


Wires – Cables and wires are a huge risk to puppies. As they chew everything at a young age, this could be fatal if they chew through an electric cable so make sure that all of yours are tucked away and are not able to be accessed by the puppy.

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Bins – Bins are appealing to puppies – the smell of the leftover food will attract them, and they will do their best to get into it, so make sure that your bin is puppy proof or even better store it in a space that your puppy doesn’t have access to.

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