Keeping your Home Warm, Reducing Heating Costs and Looking After your Boiler

Home Improvement

As winter comes to an end at last and with energy prices on the rise, many of us are thinking a lot about our heating and the way that we heat our homes. We all have differing opinions on heating, the right time to turn it off and what temperature our home should be – but here is some information to help you if you are thinking about it…

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The Right Temperature

This is something that can cause a real divide, even within households! The thermostat can be a battle ground in some households, with some family members preferring it warmer, and others liking the temperature of the home to be lower. If it helps, room temperature should generally be around 20 degrees Celsius. Anything that is below 18 degrees Celsius is getting a little too chilly and could cause health issues, especially in babies and elderly people. If the heating is too warm, it will end up costing you a fortune unnecessarily.

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Good Boiler Maintenance

Making sure that your boiler is working correctly is not only important for saving money on your energy bills but is also very important when it comes to the safety of those who live in your household. A well maintained boiler will typically last longer too, which is also something that will save you money in the long run. When it comes to repairs and inspections of boilers, this should only ever be done by professionals like this boiler repair Cheltenham based company. Don’t be tempted to try and do it yourself, as this could result in damage and even a danger to your home.

Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

Although it is now official that winter is over, the UK is not renowned for its warm weather, so you may want to think of ways to keep the home warm, but heating costs down. There are lots of things that can help with this. From using curtains that trap the heat in and the cold out, using draught excluders along the bottoms of doors and checking that your home is well insulated – it may be that you are eligible for a government grant to enable you to do this, so it is well worth looking into.

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